Saturday, December 7, 2013

Salt dough craft

I love doing crafts with my kids. Unfortunately I have boys...boys who hate doing crafts! It is like I am torturing them. They do the bare minimum as fast as possible generally. One craft I have found that they like is salt dough. Give them what amounts to play dough and cookie cutters and they will stay for at least 10 minutes (insert wry humor face here) Last summer we killed part of an afternoon making Christmas ornaments for the coming holiday season. They will cut them out but will not paint them so once they are all dry the painting is left to me. But to be honest, most of the actual finished crafts end up being things I made. They get bored and smush theirs up and walk away. Sigh...I imagine that having girls is very different that they are thrilled to do crafts with Mama and spend hours making involved salt dough creations and painting them perfectly and decorating the tree is a joint effort........Oh well, God gave me boys and I love them and all their impatience for everything I like to do. Well anyway, here is a little salt dough ornament I made with the kids last summer and just got around to painting.
Weigh in and share if you have kids who like to craft with you!!

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