Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Table: To Trash Or Not To Trash

Hello my friends and my Mama, (well at least I hope my Mama reads my blog, lol)

I wanted to share one of the things I have been keeping busy with, with all of you. I found this cool app on my fancy phone called Offer Up and it is kind of like Craig's List but I like the format better. I found this table and chairs and I loved the chairs instantaneously! The price for the table and chairs was less then 1 chair costs new and they were in good condition. Well, the chairs that is. The table had seen better days. But I felt like it was worth it even if I threw the table away and kept the chairs so I convinced Husband Darling it was a great idea and we headed off in the Super Baby Bus (my minivan) to pick it up.

  As you can see it was not exactly an impressive table at this point. And it has brown glass panels for those holes. hmmmmmmmmmm a bit dated??? But  4 leather chairs all in good condition! I didn't love the orangy-ness of the legs=fixable. Didn't love how brown on brown all of this set is=fixable.

  So I took myself down to the Walmart and picked up 2 jars of chalk paint and a jar of furniture wax. I had been wanting to try it since seeing it at the Country Living Fair last fall. Then I started thinking. I walked around the main floor of our little house on the ridge and began concocting a plan.

 I had a round table in the breakfast room and needed something narrower for better foot traffic flow. I had been looking for something since I redid the kitchen and put the island in. But it seemed like opportunity and budget never lined up. Meaning when I came across a good deal I had no cash and had to pass. But now this table had fallen into my hot little hands.

I started my transformations on the wood table I purchased. I gave it three coats of grey chalk paint. Then a coat of clear wax but I wasn't quite happy with it so I tinted the wax with a little acrylic paint and went over it again until I had the feeling I wanted.                                                                               

I still just wasn't sure about it. But after living with it a couple days I really like the size and shape of the table and the color and glass panels really lighten up the space, reflecting light and making everything feel bright.

You might remember these are the chairs that came with the table......I had other plans for them for now!!

And here it is! Now all of us can sit for informal meals in here! I am looking for a wooden bench to go on the left instead of two of my old tables dining room chairs. And I keep debating whether these 4 chairs should be black or white or grey and if I should recover them. Or if it isn't worth it and I should just keep looking for more chairs. hmmmmm decisions, decisions!!

So that is my, maybe we will throw it in the trash table recycle! What do you think?? I still think clear glass panels would be a big improvement but haven't gotten out to price them yet. If I change it I will update the post :)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Everyone Loves Ikea!

 I haven't posted in a little bit, things here on the Ridge have been very busy.

 Spring has sprung and with it comes projects galore and about a gazillion hours of yard work!! But I am taking a quick break from staining the deck, which I will share with you later to tell you about my recent find at Ikea! I love a bargain, y'all know that. But even I was surprised at the deal I got out of their Bargain section. I love that section. As my son says, I should just shop their first instead of the showroom because I could spend all my money in there!! But this time I was so lucky. They have these beautiful curtains in the catalog. Heavy weight drapes. A beautiful color and the quality is great. But they were a little out of the budget since my other drapes are only a couple years old. But oh, as I stood in the linens department, I wanted them.  I touched the package, hesitating, knowing it was a budget buster, weighing the consequences. But sadly I had to walk away.

 Later in the day, because Ikea is an all day adventure, we stopped in the bargain section before checking out. And low and behold I spotted the fabric. I thought to myself, "Self, maybe it's a damaged panel and I could salvage some for throw pillows" as I beat a quick path to the bin.  I pulled the panel out and it was perfect and marked down to 25% of it's original cost!!!!!! But what to my wondering eyes would appear but a second panel at the bottom of the bin! A pair, I tried not to get excited because surely this one was unusable. I pulled it out slowly, preparing myself for the disappointment but as I shook it out to check I spotted nothing. No stain, no tear, nothing. Perfect. A pair!!! So happy with myself and my grand find was I that I nearly missed the velvety pillow covers in the bin too. I could not be so lucky! I scored 4, yes 4 of those too!!!!!! sigh, what a good day.
Here is a picture of my beauties when I got them home and hung them up.

A close up of the pattern
I love them, the room feels so light and airy with the light colors, perfect for spring and summer!!
  I will share what I did with those pillow covers a little later.
Back to staining the deck for me, I hope it is beautiful where you are today!