Friday, January 20, 2012

Progress Pictures

Wednesday, patching walls and holes in floor. I trimmed wine corks to fit the holes in the floor and then wood glued a small circle of matching flooring to the top. Yep, i am that redneck. Don't be jealous I thought of it first;)
About midnite Friday nite with the first oat of base on the cabinets and wood filled backsplash ready for a coat of paint

End cabinet I built to store cookie sheets and large platters

That's me! painting behind the refrigerator

This is my "why in the hell are you taking my picture when I look like this" expression!

Friday nite, painting done

Top cabinets first coat of base, backsplash painted

Friday nite, base coat on upper and lower cabinets, totally exhausted!

Dawning realization that this color looks light blue instead of light sage green. NO!!!!!!


  1. Tell me more about the cabinets. I don't want to tear everything apart here, but I love the updated look on the cabinets and I think we could use to do that, too!

    Would it work well on bathroom cabinets, too?

  2. The kit is called Cabinet Transformations and on the website they use it on furniture, bathroom cabinets and kitchens. You could totally do it. It is just painting! It just takes longer then you think it will. But no sanding and not to smelly:)
