Thursday, January 19, 2012

My kitchen Sunday afternoon after making lunch for the kids, just beginning to clear countertops.
Before view of kitchen from breakfast room. You can see the hated U creates a very small work space.

Sunday evening after removing wall cabinet, all cabinets cleared and counters mostly empty

Now I am making progress, counter cut, dishwasher disconnected and drawer unit moved, electric disconnected. This is when I called it a day on Sunday.
A picture of the holes I left in the floor when I moved the dishwasher. That is where the electric came up from the basement.

from the dining room doorway looking into the kitchen after disconnecting the dishwasher from electric and watersupply and cutting the copper pipe.
Monday morning, corner cabinet removed. Time to move the electric for the dishwasher.

I was so tired Monday nite and so frantic Tuesday morning I forgot to take a picture of the counter after we fitted it with the new end piece.


  1. I am LOVING the step-by-step commentary and the pictures. I would really like to see what that half-inch gap looks like! This is inspiring to me as a girl who wants to do more DIY!I hope you post pictures of your decorating later too. I need all the inspiration I can get!

    1. I didn't take a picture before we filled it. And since I have painted it to match the counters, filled it with laminate patch, painted it again, cleaned it and covered it with silicone to seal it watertight. Then I put a cookie jar and a cutting board on top, hardly noticeable now;) It works for now till I can afford the butcherblock counters I want at IKEA! But I will take a photo and post it with the after pics, wait till you see how I fixed the holes in the floor,lol, G says it's my redneck version of how to remodel a kitchen.
