Monday, June 15, 2015

Operation: Curb Appeal

Hey y'all, welcome back and thanks so much for dropping in. I mean you could have brought cookies with you but whatevs. You want some iced tea??? Anyway, I was full of sass and ideas this spring. Poor Husband Darling ust shakes his head and cowers in a corner, I mean writes the checks(figuratively of course because who uses checks anymore???!!)...cha-ching!! I had to work on him a little but I finally convinced him we needed a new bright front door color!  This is our before. I have loved the red door for the last 7 years since I painted it that color from the ugly faded out blue it was when we bought our little nest. But it needed a fresh coat of paint and I was ready for something new!

 We also had to do a bunch of boring maintenance-y kinds of stuff on our little house. The shutters need paint, the trees need limbed up and trimmed and dead bushes from the harsh winter need replaced etc.... Also we wanted to upgrade some of the flower beds to better, low maintenance bushes and shrubs instead of needy perennials that constantly spread and need split. So to digging we got!!!! Pulling out lillies and iris and replacing them with spirea and hydrangea. Workhorses of the foundation planting! They bloom all summer for very little effort. Gotta love that!
If y'all are on Pinterest you know that curb appeal ideas are present there by the gazillions!!!! I have a gardening and curb appeal board that has so many ideas I can never do all of them, if I owned 10 houses I still couldn't do all of them, lol! Check out my Pinterest board here

As anyone with flower beds knows there is always weeding to do. My kids LOVE weeding <sarcasm>
I painted the garage door and fascia boards and all the trim I could reach from my 6 foot ladder cause that is as high as this little girl goes. I am terrified of heights,lol. But as long as that took it was merely a drop in the bucket of the time spent weeding so in self defense we mulched nice and deep!! I did something new I haven't done before too. I caulked the outside of our front windows. I noticed the drywall in the windowsill in the living room was a little mushy and damp after rain recently so hopefully fresh caulking fixes that. I did silicone the inside also.

Pictures, pictures, pictures!! of all my hard work and planning

 Seriously!!!!! Isn't that yellow addictive???? I am obsessed with it! And did you see the insane cuteness I added??? (thank you ETSY!)

 I mean really?? Are you not in love with that???

 I loved the yellow so much I had to change out some accessories to emphasize it so it all came together as one cohesive vision.

I will show you some more sides of the yard soon!!!
But I love the way it is coming together, especially with the flowers  all blooming!

Speaking of which, my hydrangea is looking so fabulous this year!!!

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