So much to see and do at the fair. I stumbled across a fabulous little kitchen scale but just didn't want to pay asking price but when I went to talk to the booth operator I was surprised to discover it was Cari Cuckseyfrom Cash and Cari on HGTV and DIY network. I watch her show all the time! I was feeling a bit intimidated about bargaining with her for this piece but Husband Darling encouraged me to just go talk to her. I asked her about the piece and the conversation went something like this
Me: I saw a little scale up front but it looks like you have had it for a while, the price tag is all faded out. It's marked forty but what's your best price?
Cari: It's marked 40$? How about 35?
Me: How about 25?
Cari: split it with me, I'll do 30$
Me: hmmmm I don't know, maybe I need to think about it for a minute......
Cari: okay fine 27$ I can't let you walk away over a dollar or two!
Me: great! Thanks!
Then I mentioned it must be the loyal viewer discount, with a wink and Cari said, "you can tell your friends you got to dicker with me!"
Husband insisted I ask if she would take a picture with me and at first I was to shy but he said I had to do it "for the blog" so I asked and she was so gracious. She didn't hesitate, just put down her drink and posed for not 1 but 3 shots. She was lovely, genuine and sweet. I have met a couple celebrities while working at the bank in Orlando years ago but many were enamored with their own celebrity. Cari was very patient and kind to me. We had the opportunity to see her presentation the next day at the Main Sage and ask a few questions. And I love my little scale! I gave it a bit of a wash down and I am going to give it a few coats of matte sealer in case it has lead paint and use it to hold fruit in the kitchen :) I will add a photo of it to the post when I get it sealed and in place.
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