Monday, January 20, 2014

Plato's Theory of Love and Time

  I am over the moon in love with my husband. Maybe it is cheesy, maybe it is unpopular or uncool but I believe we were meant to be together from the very beginning of time. I also believe this is not the first time we have known each other, bonded and committed to each other in some fashion. Let me explain. I believe in Plato's theory of split-aparts. I believe that my husband and I, at the beginning of time, were a whole being and were split down the middle into two and scattered to the winds. For lifetimes we searched for each other until we found one another. Maybe we were lovers or friends. Maybe we were born as sisters or parent/child. But I know we have been connected throughout all of time, lifetime upon lifetime, my heart and his. This is Plato's theory....

  Lots of people believe in soul mates, love at first sight, fate. I believe that sometimes your soul just knows someone upon first meeting.

 I also believe that previous lives can leave imprints upon your soul that will cause initial reactions to people instantaneously. Some good, some bad and not always true to our hearts. For example, what if in the last life we found each other in we were lovers but in some manner, star-crossed. That for whatever reason or circumstance we were unable to be together or betrayed our love in some way. It seems to me that the hurt of that would leave a marker on my soul and when my heart first sees my split apart in the next life I may have an initial anger or frustration with him that belies our destiny of togetherness.

 I have absolutely no idea if anyone or possibly lots of people believe in this theory or some version of it. I honestly don't care. It is not my intention to argue religion or beliefs in any way. I will delete any rude comments so don't bother posting them. Here are some statistics to support the possibility that Plato is right.
I won't quote sources because this is not a news article or a school paper. It's a blog expressing my views and thoughts. Don't agree? Go read someone else's blog, simple solution.

Back to the subject at hand, I am in love with my husband. I am well aware that makes me a very lucky wife. Know what makes me even more lucky? I think he is in love with me too.

 Together we complete a circle, a cirle(or heart, if you will) that my very lucky children get to grow up within. I believe it is a priveledge for them to be witness to a true and enduring love. Just as I was to my grandparents marriage. Together 63 years before she passed away a little over a year ago.  I think our example will follow them into their own romantic life journey. They WILL search for their split-apart. The one who completes them. And they will believe that person exists and not settle for less.
  That is not to say I believe you can not have a happy marriage with anyone BUT your split apart. I do believe you can find companionship and contentment with other people.

   You can muddle along if you don't look to hard at your relationship or maybe you have had your great love with your split apart and he or she has passed away or made an unforgiveable mistake and you will have to try again in another life for your bliss together.

Please don't think I am suggesting my husband and I are a perfect fit, that we never disagree or hurt each other. We work hard on our relationship and put great thought into it. Because even a great love requires effort, care, nurturing. The idea is that he fills the gaps I have and hopefully I fill his. So together we are a whole picture. 

We are the lucky ones. Many go their whole lives yearning for their other half, knowing they are not complete but unable to find the one who fills their gaps. I believe in......

 I try hard to let him know that he is my split apart and that I love him with my heart and soul. I think he does the same. I feel loved and cared for and what more can a wife ask for?

 So cheers to split aparts, the intelligent insight of Plato and happy marriages!!


  1. I have never thought of it so deeply! I am not sure where I land on the idea of soul mates. Well, I guess I believe in multiple soul mates (friendship and romantic). I like this post- makes me think!
