Wednesday, January 15, 2014


 I cut my hair.
I have been wanting a change lately but have been a big fat  chicken. The last time I cut my hair I was pregnant with my youngest child and oh about 70 lbs heavier then now. And Husband, Darling absolutely hated it!! I mean HATED it!!!
But my insane chemical allergies have me using an organic baby wash to wash my hair and skipping conditioner completely. AND I bleach my hair (I have to take Benadryl for 2 days every time and I break out in hives. Beauty is pain right?). Add to that the harshest winter temperatures in 20 years here in KY and  my hair's natural wave and you have a recipe for MAJOR FRIZZ!!! Considering I can't use any products to control it, it has been ...well...not so bad.
Or so I thought. Until I saw the Christmas photos and realized I was WRONG!!    (Do NOT tell my husband I admitted to being wrong...I will never hear the end of it.)

 And that was just the impetus I needed to buck up my courage and make the BIG CHANGE!!! A month or so ago I saw this made for tv movie with this adorable little blond with the cutest haircut so I looked her up on the handy dandy internet. This is what I found. Chelsea Kane and her chic little asymetrical bob
Isn't she cute?????

I waited till husband was out of town because I knew he would panic and talk me out of it at the last minute. Instead I took the "baby" with me. You know my baby is 10 yrs old and a boy. But for some reason I thought he would be the brave one and encourage me if I had a mini panic attack or freak out. So off we went, and when it was my turn I warned the poor girl that I hadn't had a big  hair cut in over 10 years and that I was nervous. She did NOT look happy about that. Then I told her that she couldn't wash my hair, add any conditioner or any kind of product at all. And she needed to wash her hands before she touched me because my allergies can be severe and unpredictable. I was armed with my Epipen as always. I showed her the photos of Chelsea Kane on my tablet and she was ready to go .......I, not quite so much so but I was trying to be brave and the baby gave me an encouraging smile from the waiting room. 
 So  my intrepid stylist called the baby over next to my chair as she got my, halfway down my back, hair all sectioned and combed and ready to cut. I think she too was hoping he would help buck up my failing courage. But he promptly slouched down in the ugly red stylist chair next to me and pulled his baseball cap down and focused on his DS game.  All ready to cut she combed thru the bottom section at the nape of my neck, pulled it out away from my body and placed her scissors in cutting position. I glanced over to the boy and he seemed oblivious, she paused as if waiting for me to stop her. I took a deep breathe and just as her sciccors started to close the baby snaps to attention like a helicopter mama who's child took a step towards the street. "No Mama, DON'T DO IT!!!" he yells!!!"Daddy's gonna hate it!"  The stylist gasped and stepped back!
ummmmm.......yeah......WTF!! I about messed my pretty little panties he scared me so bad!  I looked at his look of apprehension and couldn't help but laugh! I think that was just the nudge I needed to go thru with it. I nodded my head to the stylist to let her know to cut but she still hesitated, poor girl. I reassured her that I was ready and she cut the first section. As it hit the floor that naughty baby shook his head and said, "Dad's gonna be mad, Mama!"
The nervous stylist finally finished cutting and began to dry my hair and handed me the little mirror. I admit to a tummy flutter when she turned the chair around and I saw it for the first time. But I liked it!!  Of course the way she dried it was fabulous! And then I paid, collecting my still grumbling child who was still muttering dire pridections under his breath about "when Dad gets home" and had that all girl moment upon realizing it was freezing cold, snowing and blistering wind outside. With a tiny sigh I pulled my winter hat down around my ears, smooshing my freshly shorn and beautifully dried and smoothed hair flat against my head.
We ran to the market next door and picked up 2 or 3 things for dinner and as we were walking out I asked Little Mr. Helper what he really thought of my hair and with a look of seriousness he says, "It's to short, you shouldn't have let her do it!" Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! What the heck am I supposed to say to that? I guess I deserved it since I asked but I definitely gotta work on that boys charm and finesse with the ladies!
By the time we got home I was disheveled and there was just no perking up my spunky little coif. So this picture is of my first attempt to style it on my own, which was not as successful as the previous evening but a new style is a learning curve right?
The funny faces are what happens when I stand in front of a mirror taking pictures of myself feeling like a dork! Well, it's just hair but I think I kinda like it.

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