Wednesday, March 6, 2013


hey y'all, I finally got some pictures loaded to my computer of some of the things I have been busy with, some of those I was tellin' you about last time. So tell me what ya think of how they came out:)
main floor hallway, that's my front door 

This is where the trouble began. You can see the hole I had to make to find the plumbing leak that began a chain reaction of work! And some of the water staining. It spread across the ceiling and down the walls in the hall here and in the half bath thru that doorway.
this is the mural I painted when we bought the house 5 years ago. It is very personal to our family, the books on the shelf are all family favs and the painted accessories are all things we own. Unfortunately it suffered some water damage in the leak and I had to paint over it. My family was very upset to lose it but I promised I could paint them another some other time.
and this is what I replaced it with. A soft grey that matches the family room I repainted back before Christmas. And a repurposed pallet wall. The horse refrences the name and theme of our subdivision and that fabulous little lantern is a repupose project I picked up at the Reuse center when I was shopping for a dishwasher when ours broke the same week all this other plumbing crap was goin' on! When I bought it for 5$ it was a dirty old brass, electrified but iffy hardwire light fixture. I unwired it with a pair of scissors and a screwdriver and gave it a coat of paint and some "distressing" and hung some chandelier jewels on it and hung it from a plant bracket: It is cuter then a bug in a rug!
slightly better pic of lamp, ( I swear I am working on taking better pics!)
I also decided that the honey oak vanity no longer fit into the beatousness of this bathroom so I gave it a coat of grey just slightly darker then the wall. A new little rug and hand towel and that just about does it.
Moving on, I repainted the hallway a matching shade of dove grey that I mixed up myself from a 5 dollar can of mistake paint I bought to do the family room. I just added some chocolate brown I already had to make it a bit more greige. Then since I already had a big ole mess I put some primer on the banister that was the ugliest orang-y colored wood I ever did see. I gave the hand rail a few coats of my favorite walnut shade and it is ready for a coat of the cream I use on all the trim work.
Don't mind the blue tape on the floor in the kitchen, that is a bit of space planning I am working on for a permanent island I am putting in this spring.
And for the real star of the show the front door accent wall went from the chocolate brown to .......Drum roll please.... to TA-DA!!!

I painted it the same grey as the rest then painted this fabulous design over the top! In metallic paint! It is amazing!!!!
I haven't put anything back on the wall yet because I want to change up some of the accessories for something with more bling to it!
 Last thing I am going to share tonite is the little candleholders on the table that I gave a coat of spraypaint. I picked them up for 2 bucks at the thrift store a while back and they were perfect for this project.
They were clear glass and I gave them a coat of looking glass Krylon on the inside of the glass. Then I topped them with some Easter grass, a cement bird and some faux robin's eggs. Perfect for spring:)

Last last thing I am going to tell you is that new flooring was delivered today and it is freakin' gorgeous!!!! I will share it with you soon:)

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